Randy Jay, PA-C
Randy Jay is a Physician Assistant (PA) working in rheumatology since 1987, providing team treatment approach patient care in the management of arthritis, other inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, and osteoporosis.
Randy graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She holds national board certification by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) since 1987. She worked and trained under national and internationally recognized rheumatologist, Dr. John Tesser. In 2014, Dr. Tesser and Randy received the distinguished American Academy Of Physician Assistants Physician -PA Partnership Award.
Randy is passionate about improving the quality of lives of patients with rheumatic disease through patient-centered care, optimization of therapies and patient education. Outside of the office, Randy enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cycling, hiking and travel.